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Cookie Policy:
Cookies are small files that are sent to your device which identify you to that website when you return, they allow the site that you returned to remember your browsing information, for example, the status of your online cart. Cookies from our websites will never obtain any private information about you, and cannot be accessed by the websites of others.

Please be aware that disabiling cookies may impact on some of the functions and browsing experience of stargrassmaritime.com.
stargrassmaritime.com uses third-party platforms with methodology to enhance your browsing experience (page movements, recommended videos or links, web traffic information/ statistics ...), these platforms  in turn generate their own subsidiary cookies which we have no control over, should you prefer to stay clear of these cookies then the settings in your browser needs to be updates accordingly. We www.stargrassmaritime.com will not and does not control the promulgamation of any third-party cookies. The relevant third-party's information on these cookies needs to be checked for more information on their respective website.
stargrassmaritime.com does not use any cookies that collect your private or personal information. You can still block or put restrictions on the cookies set by stargrassmaritime.com websites, or by any other website, through the settings in the browser you are using. If you click on the Help section of your browser, you should get detailed information on the procedure to use cookies.

There is more information on www.aboutcookies.org on how to control cookies, delete cookies or enable cookies on a wide variety of browsers. For mobile handset users, your operators manual should provide all the relevant information.

General information on Cookies:
Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites - read more.

Other sites.

Contact us:
Should you require more information on our cookies, please write to us via email: connect@stargrassmaritime.com
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